Posted on Mar 13, 2019
As part of COL's continuing interest and support of Minneapolis vocational focused
community outreach opportunities, the Twin Cities Rise (TCR) organization, has invited  
COL members to again be their guest Mock Interview team for TCR's Winter Quarter "Meaningful 
Employment to Success" job interview training module.
As a follow-up for many of our COL members who participated in a similar event last year, this 
quarter's session is scheduled for Tuesday morning, March 26th. COL volunteers will need to arrive 
at the Twin Cities Rise- 1301 Bryant Ave.North, Minneapolis head office and training center, at 9:15. 
We will be completed with our assignment by 11:30.
Please confirm with Jim Eaton your willingness to contribute to this important outreach event. He addition to encouraging you to briefly assess TCR's website, Jim will forward two mock interview summary reference documents for you review.