Get Up, Stay Up, Don't Fall Down
Mar 20, 2019
Susan Priem
Get Up, Stay Up, Don't Fall Down

Did you know that the rate of fatal falls in Minnesota is climbing faster than in the U.S. as a whole? In fact, since 2000, the rate has doubled. Preliminary data for 2016 from the CDC shows that Minnesota is now fourth in the U.S. for deaths due to unspecified falls. It’s alarming. But what can you do to prevent it among those you know and love? Susan Priem, the daughter of a Rotarian, will be with us to share advice. Susan, who is with Hennepin Health, received her physical therapy degree from the Mayo School of Health Related Sciences and a Master of Health Sciences from Washington University in St. Louis.  She is a Certified Exercise Expert for Aging Adults through the Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy.  Her expertise is in treating adults for neurologic conditions including stroke and traumatic brain injury, but her passion is assisting adults to age well and in place.