The following members have graciously agreed to take on 2025-2026 leadership positions in our club, guiding us toward another successful year. Indicators are shown for officers,* club directors,† and foundation directors.‡
We are wishing them all the very best. Together, they have the skills and passion to accomplish amazing things. Looking forward to seeing their teamwork in action!
President*†‡ | Maria Bavender |
President Elect*†‡ | Brian Kimmes |
VP/Treasurer**†‡ | Bob Baker |
Secretary*†‡ | Scott Benson |
Sergeant at Arms*†‡ | Bill Klein |
Projects Director†‡ | Bill Jackson |
Foundation Fundraising Director†‡ | Brock Ray |
Past Presidents Council Chair †‡ | Shaun Irwin |
Membership Director† | Gayle Noakes |
Programs Director† | Sandy Christensen |
Public Relations Director† | Liban Kano |
Club Administration Director† | Frances Tyler |
At Large District Liaison† | Sheila Gothmann |
Heart of Rotary Director‡ | Award Nov. 20 |
Visioning Facilitator | Gayle Noakes |
Programs Co-Chair | Anna Coskran |
Membership Co-Chair | Sydney Skemp |
Community Service Chair | Danielle Igbanugo |
Community Service Co-Chair | Angela Sandok |
Vocational Service Chair | Mark Labovitz |
Vocational Service Co-Chair | Chris Morris |
International Service Chair | Chanda Olson |
International Service Co-Chair | Jim Nelson |
International Service Subcommittee Lead-Exchange Students | Todd Marshall |
Club Service Chair | Lynn Otis |
Club Service Co-Chair | Cindy Lennie |
Tech Support Lead | Brock Ray |
Assistant Treasurers/Finance Committee | Greg Alm, John Michaletz |
Club Administration Assistant | Dick Mossman |
AV (Zoom) Lead | Greg Alm |
Zoom and Happy Bucks Crew | Steve Morris, Ross Naylor |
End Polio Football Fundraiser | Kurt Nelson |
Community Forum Co-Sponsor Chairs (Sept. 2025) | Carol Russell, Tina Sheriff |
Opera Night Fundraiser Chairs (June 2025, potentially 2026) | Carol Russell, Cindy Lennie |
Presidential Chauffeur | Kingford Bavender |